How are you?How are you feeling? You've seenpictures of?If notthen readbelowthe article!I do notreferphotoby e-mail.Honestly, Iwentto Malta andwas unable towrite ablog.
Greetings of a panda! I Gleb I have returned from a trip greetings of Alisa!!!
Greetings Gleb Ura! You have returned! I would like to show you my photos I and my second cousin Mitya:
yay! anything to itself how many photos!!! Gleband Alisa. Pandas and this video for viewing of photos.
суббота, 6 августа 2011 г.
Russianfor Russianart:
Everyone, helloa couple ofsayings andhome:
Chargedtank,the barreldid notlook!
Damn, 'saidthe elephantstepped onkolobok. *boss
понедельник, 1 августа 2011 г.
HelloPanda!How are you?How are you feeling?I'm allsuper!Sorry for thelongupdateblog.Iam feelingyou want to seenewsblog?YES!We have suchnews!Well,mylastmessage. You've downloadeda mobilegame?Veryexciting game! You have already usedthe opportunitynotonlytopoiratOloka?Iyes =))
Hlebwill soon be coming!Hooray!
Verywaiting forarrival ofHleb आलिस
суббота, 16 июля 2011 г.
Hello Panda! unfortunately leaves Glebchik I write a blog ...
Greetings of a panda! Today very bad news!!!! Алиса does not want to write a blog!! It even has removed me from friends in Panfu!!!! I do not know it will write further or not if is not present it is very sad... What will be further? This video in honour of it:
The second bad news: Today will stretch in water garbage: